Looking for hobby content?
Posted on Thursday Apr 09, 2020 at 09:22pm in Tutorials
Over the past several years, I've been producing a hobby article each week, covering a whole host of different terrain, modeling, painting and collecting topics on the blog here. I've written up totorials for different painting and modeling techniques, I've constructed buildings out of odd things found at the hardware store, and I've spent a lot of time cutting up models and bunging them back together again in new and (hopefully!) interesting ways.So if you're on the lookout for hobby content to while away your time stuck at home, be sure to take a look at the Hobby section of the Maelstrom's Edge website, where you can find handy links to all of these articles!
Because there are so many of them, we've broken the articles down into a few different sections. The Terrain Building Articles section includes all of the terrain specific material, and can be filtered down into a few different categories. This section includes a host of different ideas and tutorials for using the Maelstrom's Edge terrain sprues and various found or bought materials to make fantastic and distinctive terrain for your tables.
The Tips & Techniques section is where you can find general modeling and painting articles, including different basing ideas and handy tutorials for techniques like salt weathering and painting with washes.
Finally, the Modeling Articles section focuses on the Maelstrom's Edge model range, including assembly and conversions for existing units, ideas for converting new units and spotlights on battle-ready Maelstrom's Edge forces.
Do you have hobby projects you're currently working on? We would love to see them on the Comm Guild Facebook page!
You can pick up the Maelstrom's Edge model and terrain sprue range from the webstore here.
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